How would your life change if you could think about food less, and live more?

You’ve been dieting for as long as you can remember… maybe even since before you were a teenager. “Chronic dieter” is basically part of your identity at this point.

You’ve spent years bouncing from one diet or “lifestyle change” to another, hoping to find the one that finally *works* for you—

The one that will kick your cravings to the curb for good. The one that your friends swear by, or that your favorite #bodygoals celeb or influencer raves about. The one that will allow you to lose weight, without giving up your Friday night Happy Hours with the girls. The one you actually LIKE following, because it’s easy, fool-proof, delicious… maybe even fun?

The one to give you the lasting results you’re constantly chasing.

Unfortunately, you have yet to find that diet.

You’ve seen more success in some than in others, but ultimately, you’re stuck in the same vicious cycle:


Sound Familiar?

For years, you’ve been promising yourself with every new diet that *this time* will be different, because it’s a “lifestyle change.” And it might be, for a little while, but it never really is. 

You can’t help but wonder, “If this 'lifestyle' is supposed to make me 'healthy,' then why is my mind still completely consumed with FOOD?”

And what’s worse: even the times you do reach your “goal weight,” you’re still not super confident in how you look and feel in your skin.

The more times you’ve repeated this cycle, and the older you get, the more you realize how unhealthy this is—not just for your physical health, but even more so for your mental and emotional well-being.

Now more than ever you are ready to:

  • Ditch dieting for sustainable eating habits

  • Stop saying “no” to spontaneous dinners and nights out with loved ones

  • Stop letting food consume your thoughts

  • Unlearn all the negative thoughts and beliefs you learned from society, the media, family, and friends

  • Live the fulfilling life you so badly want for yourself

  • Feel safe in your body, and trust yourself around food

You may feel like you’re alone, and that these things are so far out of reach. Girl, your thoughts are valid, and I’m also here to assure you that all of this and more can become your reality.

Are you ready to see where a life free of diets can take you?

Imagine a life of true freedom.

  • Freedom to eat what sounds good to you. To say ‘yes’ to a food if you truly want it, and to say ‘no’ when you don't.

  • Freedom to be present, to fully enjoy nights out with your friends, family, and significant other. To not feel the need to cancel last-minute, or to “make up” for it.

  • Freedom to see food as more than calories or macros, or “good” or “bad.” And instead, to see it as comfort, nourishment, culture, experiences, and memories you never want to forget.

  • Freedom to recognize your worth beyond the number on the scale and your sizes.

  • Freedom to love and respect your body, and to treat it with kindness and grace.

  • Freedom to live a fulfilling life that aligns with your values, that no longer robs you of the pure joy and happiness you deserve.

    That life can be yours, with our support.

FREE Method: Intuitive Eating Group

A supportive, small-group nutrition coaching intensive for women like you who are ready to trade dieting for intuitive eating, so you can think about food less and live more.

“After years of trying all the ‘fad diets’ because everyone else was doing it and it seemed like a good way to eat, I carried tons of guilt anytime I'd eat anything like dairy, grains, sugar, etc. The FREE Method Nutrition approach on intuitive eating and how to learn to listen to my body needs has been so freeing for me. As a mom of two and a full-time business owner, this approach is realistic and sustainable for me. I'm thankful I get to raise my babies to understand eating to nourish our bodies and not being chained to diets!”


Hey, I’m Dylan.


My team and I teach women how to live a life free of diets, restriction, and hating your body.

Yes, it’s REALLY possible.

I know, because I’ve been in your shoes.

Like you, my team and I have struggled with our relationships with food, body image, and utilizing exercise as a tool for punishment. We understand and empathize with where you are right at this moment. We totally get the feeling of wanting to break up with diet culture for good, but having no *earthly* idea where to start.

And I know you, because so many other women walk in your shoes, too. I believe it's my life's work to walk alongside them (and you).

A Sneak Peek Inside

The Intuitive Eating Group is…

  • A safe space, where all bodies are seen as good bodies

  • A set of tools to equip you for success in your lifetime journey of intuitive eating & body respect

  • A community of like-minded, & supportive women to assure you that you’re NOT alone

  • A path toward a whole, healthy you: body, mind, & spirit

The Intuitive Eating Group is not…

  • Any part of diet culture

  • A quick fix

  • A place focused on weight loss

  • A place where foods are labeled as “good” or “bad”

  • A path toward body destruction & the never-ending dieting cycle

  • Somewhere to hold judgement + disrespect for yourself and others


Inside our Intuitive Eating Group, we create a safe space for women like you in a small-group setting to unlearn many of the harmful narratives that diet culture has convinced us to believe for most of our lives. 

Together, we’ll explore and learn to get curious (without judgement) about these beliefs, thoughts, and “truths” we’ve told ourselves for years, so you can live in alignment with your core values, and let go of what is no longer serving you.

Over the course of 8 weeks, you’ll be supported with…

8 Nutrition Coaching Calls

1-hour, weekly video sessions with your cohort of food-freedom seekers and your Free Method RD.

Access to FREE Method Online Course

Digestible lessons to support your journey, including handouts, 20+ intuitive eating, body image, and mindset training modules

Meditations and Journal Prompts

Listen and reflect on what has shaped your body image and how you can move towards vibrant health

FREE Method Recipe Book

We set you up for immediate success with access to 4 weeks’ worth of recipes, grocery guides, & meal plan templates.

Ongoing Support and Community

Private group chat to ask questions, gain support with your goals and engaged with your group and FREE Method Dietitian

A Lifetime of FREEDOM

This may be your first intro to Intuitive Eating or maybe you are seeking support in your current journey, either way these 8 weeks are designed to move you closer to a lifetime of food and body freedom!

How It Works

  1. Once you’re in, you’ll get access to the Slack channel and membership area (where the modules and other resources are located)

  2. Your cohort will meet weekly to work through our signature FREE Method process, discuss wins, roadblocks, and set new goals an action items

  3. Outside of calls, you’ll have space to watch modules, complete worksheets, and prompts and engage with your cohort members.

Join the Intuitive Eating Group





“The Intuitive Eating Group has completely changed my life for the better. I knew for a while that I was ready to break free of the constant dieting cycle, but I had no clue where to begin with healing my eating habits and my body image.

I’ve seen (and followed) a lot of nutritionists and dietitians, but NOBODY compares to the FREE Method team. They believe in actual food freedom, and recognize that not eating disorders don’t have just one look or set of behaviors. 

Everything has changed since joining the Intuitive Eating Group. I have a better relationship with my husband and friends. I can go out to eat without restricting and over-exercising after. I’m able to simply buy clothes that make me feel comfortable instead of being anxious over what size they are. And I actually have the mental space to do the things I love again, like drawing and being creative. 

FREE Method is amazing and a blessing. I don't know what I would have done without them. I am SO glad I enrolled, and would recommend them to anyone who’s ready for a life of true food freedom.”


Your body is a safe place, and she can be trusted.

We understand that letting go of dieting and walking towards a life of intuitive eating can be scary. Letting go of body goals for body respect can be scary. 

But just because it’s scary, doesn’t mean it’s impossible.

There will be “What ifs…” that come up over the course of our 12 weeks together, and beyond. 

“What if I gain weight?”
“What if I lose my health?”
“What if I won’t succeed?”

It’s completely normal and okay to fear the unknown. But we encourage you to shift your mindset, and instead, ask yourself…

“What will I miss out on by continuing to follow diet culture?”
“What kind of freedom can intuitive eating grant me in my everyday life?”
“Will I regret not trying this new, hard thing—even if it’s scary?”



  • Clarity + peace of mind

  • Improved anxiety + depression-like symptoms

  • Increased desire to spend time with loved ones


  • Confidence navigating hunger + fullness, & when to stop eating

  • A consistent movement routine you enjoy

  • Boosted energy levels throughout your day


  • Deeper connection with your partner & loved ones

  • A restored passion for the things you love

  • Relief from letting go of unrealistic standards & self-judgement


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Intuitive Eating is a self-care eating framework that integrates instinct, emotion, and rational thought. The goal is to help you learn (or maybe re-learn) how to listen to your body’s natural hunger, fullness, and satisfaction goals, and how to best honor those cues. During this process, we also want to remove anything that takes away from your attunement to your body—like diets you’ve tried, food rules you’ve carried with you over the years, and negative body image.

    Intuitive eating is NOT only eating french fries and brownies. It’s about trusting, respecting, and honoring what your body is telling you in your actions. This is not something that happens overnight; it’s more like a roller coaster, filled with ups and downs, twists and turns, and even a 180° flip upside down now and then. But sticking along for the whole ride leads to a life of freedom, body respect, and lifelong health + happiness.

  • Showing respect for our bodies will look different for every body, but the principle remains the same. When we are acting out of body respect, our habits and routines are supportive and sustainable for our lifelong health and happiness. This can look like honoring our hunger, practicing self-care, prioritizing rest, and doing activities we enjoy.

    Body respect is different because it does not associate happiness or value with our body image. Diet culture tells us that weight loss is the key to improved body image, which is the key to happiness. But this is rarely the case.

    You don’t have to like your body to respect your body. Having body respect means you do not place your value as a human, or your happiness and fulfillment, on positive body image, or the way your body looks. Bad body image days will happen (you are human, after all!) but instead of running back to the diets that continuously fail you, we empower you how to navigate those days in a healthy way. You’ll walk away from our 12 weeks together with the ability to respect and nourish your body for what it is and how it supports you, no matter how it looks.

  • Yes, it does! It’s worked for hundreds of our clients—women like you—and it can work for you, too.

    You may feel alone in your struggles, and it may feel like a life of food freedom + body freedom are way out of reach… but I promise it is totally possible, friend.

    Healing is hard. Healing can feel impossible. And, healing is SO freeing and SO rewarding.

  • Intuitive eating is a lifelong journey. Doing the hard work to learn to respect and love your body is so brave, and one that will ebb + flow, and grow + evolve as you do.

    Healing is not linear. It’s not a straight, simple path—and that’s normal.

    There is no set time frame for how long it will take for you to learn how to honor your hunger + fullness cues, and to fully embrace and follow intuitive eating; however, it certainly can happen a lot faster with guidance and support from the team and other like-minded women inside of Free Method: Academy!

    But keep in mind: what matters most is your commitment to leading a healthier, more fulfilling life for you, that aligns with your values as a human.

  • The core purpose of Free Method: Academy and intuitive eating is not weight loss. While some of our clients do experience weight loss, this is not the ultimate goal and may not be your experience.

    We understand that you may currently be feeling uncomfortable in your body and may truly desire weight loss, which is COMPLETELY valid. We will meet you where you’re at to help you work through these feelings of negative body image. Ultimately, our goal is for you to move forward in life with more of a focus on your whole-body health, rather than being so focused on the number on the scale or the size of your clothes.

  • A lot of our clients think by adopting intuitive eating, their health and self-control will be thrown out the window. We understand why you may believe this to be true.

    The short answer is NO, but if you need more convincing, consider this example:

    Think about a time you bought a new shirt that you absolutely LOVED. When you first bought it, you were head-over-heels for this shirt, and wanted to wear it 24/7. You probably wore it a few times a week for the first couple weeks of owning that shirt, but eventually, it lost its appeal.

    You still love that shirt, and wear it from time to time, but it’s not all you want to wear anymore. It’s not all you think about.

    The same principles apply here!

    In the beginning of your intuitive eating journey, you may feel liberated and compelled to eat many of the “fun” foods you’re so used to seeing as off limits from years of “clean eating” and following diet culture. But soon enough, eating ice cream all the time won’t sound fun anymore, and it won’t FEEL good, either. This is intuitive eating at work.

  • Not a problem! If you can’t make it, a recording of each call will be in the client portal for you to watch + replay whenever!

Your better body image journey starts today!


Download our video series designed to empower you to step into lasting body confidence.