FFP 13: Am I Addicted To Sugar?

Sugar provides fuel for your body to do all the things you enjoy. Glucose, one form of sugar, is your brain’s preferred energy source. Meaning that our body actually needs sugar to maintain energy throughout the day.

Bottom line is sugar is sugar is sugar.

In today’s episode of Food Freedom Podcast, Dylan discusses a question she commonly hears - “am I addicted to sugar?” Dylan explains the research behind sugar addiction, the different types of sugar and the role sugar plays in our overall health.

Dylan references research found in Marci Evan’s summary of the science of sugar addiction.

Dylan Murphy

Dylan Murphy, RD, LDN, is the Founder of Free Method Nutrition and a Registered Dietitian based in Nashville, TN, serving clients nationwide. With a Food Science and Human Nutrition Degree from Clemson University, a Dietetic Residency at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, and extensive experience coaching hundreds of clients, Dylan is dedicated to helping individuals break free from societal ideals around body size and diet. Specializing in eating disorders, intuitive eating, body image concerns, and women's health, she provides well-informed, personalized, and realistic nutrition and mindset coaching.


025: Celebrating Your Body and Redefining Your Relationship with Food


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