A Weekend Reset

Took a weekend trip with some of my dearest Nashville friends this weekend + wow was it just the best time. We went to a little town called Cornersville, which is less than an hour outside of Nashville. We stayed in a quaint farmhouse that pictures just don’t do justice. It’s owned by Holly Audrey Williams, who also owns White’s Mercantile - a cute general store in the 12 South neighborhood + H. Aubrey - a women’s boutique in the Green Hills area.

After one of my busiest work weeks yet, this was the perfect escape. We laughed until our stomaches hurt, drank all the wine and spent hours playing games. We sipped coffee on porch swings, walked through the hills + cow pastures and roasted s’mores by the fire. I mean it was as good of a weekend as they come.

It reminded me of how important resting + reseting is when it comes to being productive at my work. This was one of my first weekends in far too long where I didn’t work on anything business related. I have a tendency to be a workaholic (the 7w8 in me) so leaving my laptop + work home in Nashville was a huge refresher. Taking a step back to experience beauty - the sunlight seeping through the kitchen sink windows, the smell of homemade pizzas in the oven and funny stories shared + memories created - puts into perspective that yes, work + success is great but so is calm + rest.

Here’s a few takeaways from a weekend “off the grind” —

01 // surround yourself with people who feel like home.

These are some of those people for me. They bring rest, laughs and vulnerability. I come away from time with them feeling refreshed, challenged, and full of joy.


02 // create space away from work.

No e-mails, phone calls, planning or whatever that looks like for you. It can wait. Even if it’s 2 hrs or 48 hrs, it will leave you with a sound mind ready to hit the ground running again!


03 // cheese boards are always a good ideas.

But really. They are SO freaking good. Whatever that is in your life (travel, good food, walks, dogs) - do more of that.

As I celebrate one year of business owner life + dream chasing in Dylan Murphy Nutrition, finding weekends like this are vital. It’s easy to get run down, stressed and overwhelmed with all that comes with being a small business owner. Life stays busy + work really can be a 24/7 kind of gig. But it’s not meant to be. We need rest. So let this be a reminder to create space in your life for things that give you life. You’ll be better because of it.

Oh and Fox Country Farm, we will be back + here’s to hoping my kitchen looks like this own day (cue heart eyes)…

Photos: Kathleen McGahan // not pictured: Scout McGahan, aka the therapy dog for the weekend :)

Dylan Murphy

Dylan Murphy, RD, LDN, is the Founder of Free Method Nutrition and a Registered Dietitian based in Nashville, TN, serving clients nationwide. With a Food Science and Human Nutrition Degree from Clemson University, a Dietetic Residency at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, and extensive experience coaching hundreds of clients, Dylan is dedicated to helping individuals break free from societal ideals around body size and diet. Specializing in eating disorders, intuitive eating, body image concerns, and women's health, she provides well-informed, personalized, and realistic nutrition and mindset coaching.


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