Mexican Breakfast Scramble

If you know me, you know Mexican food is my ride or die. If you don't know me, then you now you have a brief intro into my love for all things Mexican food. For the past two weddings my husband and I have been to in Greenville, SC, we have stopped at a health foods brunch spot in Asheville, NC, called Green Safe Cafe. I get this yummy bowl called the Pura Vida everytime, which has two over easy eggs, brown rice, black beans, kale, sweet potatoes and avocado salsa. It's as good as it looks!

This bowl was the perfect picture of a balanced breakfast. It had some healthy carbs (brown rice, black beans + sweet potato) that are also high in fiber + protein, non-starchy veggies (kale + tomatoes) and protein (eggs + healthy carbs mentioned above). A breakfast packed with nutrients like this is guaranteed to start your day off strong and leave you feeling full. Starting your day off with a strong breakfast will prevent you from overeating at meals or snack times later in the day. Also, getting vegetables in with every meal (even breakfast) is so important in fueling your body well.

This dish inspired me to recreate something like it at home. That way I don't have to drive to Asheville everytime I'm craving it! What I recreated is so quick + easy, and it is a great use of leftovers you may have laying around in your fridge. I find it to be a perfect Saturday or Sunday morning breakfast, paired with a large cup of coffee!

Mexican Breakfast Scramble (serves 1)


  • 2 eggs, free-range, no added hormones or antibiotics
  • 2 handfuls of kale, chopped
  • Handful of cherry tomatoes, sliced in half
  • 1/4 cup black beans
  • 1/3 cup quinoa
  • Any other veggies you have or want to add - sweet potato chunks, onions, zucchini
  • Salsa to top


  1. Make quinoa according to package instructions.
  2. Heat black beans on the stove or in the microwave.
  3. In a bowl, combine quinoa + black beans as the base. Top with kale, cherry tomatoes and other veggies of choice.
  4. Cook 2 eggs how you prefer. Place on top of breakfast scramble.
  5. Add some of your favorite salsa, enjoy!

Meal Prep Tip:

You will find that this is a great recipe to use with meal prepped items (like veggies, black beans + quinoa) or to help you jump start your meal prepping for the week. Cook extra black beans, quinoa + veggies if you don't already have them and save them for meals during the week. Saving you some time + money right there :)




Dylan Murphy

Dylan Murphy, RD, LDN, is the Founder of Free Method Nutrition and a Registered Dietitian based in Nashville, TN, serving clients nationwide. With a Food Science and Human Nutrition Degree from Clemson University, a Dietetic Residency at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, and extensive experience coaching hundreds of clients, Dylan is dedicated to helping individuals break free from societal ideals around body size and diet. Specializing in eating disorders, intuitive eating, body image concerns, and women's health, she provides well-informed, personalized, and realistic nutrition and mindset coaching.


Power Packed Breakfast


Let's Define It: Nutrition Counseling