Krista Kellum, RD, LDN

Based in Nashville, TN (serving clients nationwide)

Krista moved to Nashville from a small town in South Georgia in 2018, and that is where her journey towards food freedom began. After meeting Dylan during a job interview (funny story, she initially referred to her as “Mr. Murphy”), Krista started learning from her, and realized intuitive eating was the real deal - because she was experiencing the benefits in her own life! Now, Krista is thrilled to have the opportunity to walk with people through their own journeys.

Krista completed her Nutrition and Food Science degree and Dietetic Internship Program at Georgia Southern University, in Statesboro, Georgia. Krista is passionate about helping people discover their worth is based on much more than their size, body shape (pear, apple, hourglass, corncob, who cares?!) food choices, how much “self-control” they have or how often they exercise.

She specializes in Intuitive Eating, disordered eating, eating disorders, nutrition-related diagnoses and GI nutrition.